Health and safety Policy

This policy extends the University of Stirling Health and Safety Policy

Local safety policy for Sport and Exercise Science

The Faculty takes issues of health and safety and best practice for risk management very seriously. All research projects, including undergraduate dissertation research and postgraduate research should complete a risk assessment. All researchers should make themselves aware of the specific needs their research has for compliance with health and safety legislation. The division carries out Health and Safety inspections regularly to ensure a safe working environment. All staff, project students and visiting researchers should ensure that they have received up to date basic training in Health and Safety either through their supervisor or the laboratory manager.  Staff are required to take a series of courses on arrival and at regular intervals, click here for details. To undertake any applied research everyone must first go through a laboratory induction with the person responsible for each room used. You will also need to go through an induction with the safety officer if you wish to do fieldwork.

Who is responsible? 

The operational responsibility for health and safety policy for Health Science and Sport lies with head of faculty Prof Jayne Donaldson. The Safety Officer, Dr Nidia Rodriguez-Sanchez is responsible for coordination and communication of health and safety policy & procedures in the faculty.  Academic staff are responsible for conducting risk assessments for all undergraduate and taught postgraduate activities both field and laboratory based.  Academic supervisors and postgraduate students are responsible for conducting risk assessments for all research activities both field and laboratory based.  Accident and incident reports should be directed the School Manager, Elizabeth Robertson. The Radiation Protection Supervisor is Chris Grigson. A list of first aid trained staff is provided on the door of each laboratory.