
Contact phone numbers:

 Using a University phoneUsing a mobile phone
Emergency: Fire, First Aid, Ambulance7999 (internal phone)01786 46 7999
Head of Faculty: Prof Jayne Donaldson7657 628101786 46 7657 6281
Faculty Operations Manager: Lyana Macinnes627901786 46 6279
Faculty Safety Officer:   Nidia Rodriguez-Sanchez609801786 46 6098
Laboratory manager: Kerry Bartie:  Cottrell  room 4B137629701786 46 6297
Radiation protection supervisor: Chris Grigson: Pathfoot room B27646901786 46 6469
First Aider: See signs on laboratory doors
Defibrillator: See signs in all laboratories
Workstation Assessment: Online course here   
Building Defects244401786 46 2444
University Safety Adviser707901786 46 7079
University Fire Officer614701786 46 6147

When phoning in an emergency, be prepared to state the service you require, the extension from which you are calling, the location of the emergency, your name and any other relevant information.