What is all this about?

What is all this about?

You can find more information here about the laboratories in Sport and Exercise Science, the activities you may want to undertake and the hazards you may be exposed to. The contents are intended for sports science teaching and research groups (PENRG, SPARKLE and S3G) and associated visitors.

These pages are in addition to the university health and safety pages. You must read and understand the university policies and procedures before referring to the material here.

University Health and Safety pages

You must not work in the Sport and Exercise Science laboratories without reading the material on this site and going through an induction with the person responsible for all areas you wish to use.

Covid 19

On 5th May 2023 The World health organisation declared that “COVID-19 is now an established and ongoing health issue which no longer constitutes a public health emergency of international concern”. The Scottish Government states on 23rd April 2023 “There are no covid rules or restrictions in Scotland but there are things you can do to stay well and protect others.” Extra precautions are still recommended especially around activities with a high risk of transmitting respiratory disease such as cardio pulmonary exercise testing. Staff and participants with symptoms should not attend campus.

I want to do some Sport and Exercise Science research at Stirling – What should I do?

The process is the same for anyone who wants to do Sports Science work at The University of Stirling.

  • All undergraduate project students
  • All postgraduate students
  • All staff
  • All visitors
  1. Do not commence work until you have been authorised to do so
  2. Read the university guidance and policies and complete any required courses found on The University Health and Safety pages
  3. Talk to your supervisor or line manager about safety and the work you wish to do. Consider the hazards involved in the work and assess any risks. Many day to day activities have risk assessments in the section linked at the top of the page
  4. Contact the person responsible for each of the Laboratories you wish to use. Generally Chris Grigson (ext. 6469) for physiology laboratories and Kerry Bartie (ext. 6297) for cell biology laboratories. They will take you through an induction and check that you have the information you need and any requirements are in place. Anyone undertaking field work, travelling for work or working at another organisation should contact the health and safety officer, Nidia Rodriguez-Sanchez (ext. 6098), first
  5. Complete your induction check lists and submit to the safety officer, Nidia Rodriguez-Sanchez (ext. 6098), who will give you permission to start work
  6. Regularly review safety requirements and risk assessments, and update your induction checklist if anything changes in your work and at least every two years. Submit reviewed / updated checklists to the safety officer, Nidia Rodriguez-Sanchez (ext. 6098).

See contacts in the menu above